Governor Green Signs HGIA Related Bills into Law

Posted on May 31, 2024 in Main

On May 30, 2024, Governor Green signed two bills into law.  Both programs will be administered by the Hawaii Green Infrastructure Authority.

Picture of bill signing: Front L to R: Gwen Yamamoto Lau, HGIA; Speaker Scott Saiki; Governor Josh Green; Senator Jarrett Keohokalole; Nonie Toledo, Nonie Toledo & Associates; Back L to R: Andy Kawano, C&C Honolulu; Karen Lee, C&C Honolulu; Demaney Kihei, HGIA; Rocky Mould, Hawaii Solar Energy Association; Councilmember Matthew Weyer; Murray Clay, Ulupono Initiative; Josh Wisch, Holomua Collaborative; Damien Kim, IBEW 1186; and Chris Benjamin, Climate Hawai‘i
Front L to R: Gwen Yamamoto Lau, HGIA; Speaker Scott Saiki; Governor Josh Green; Senator Jarrett Keohokalole; Nonie Toledo, Nonie Toledo & Associates; Back L to R: Andy Kawano, C&C Honolulu; Karen Lee, C&C Honolulu; Demaney Kihei, HGIA; Rocky Mould, Hawaii Solar Energy Association; Councilmember Matthew Weyer; Murray Clay, Ulupono Initiative; Josh Wisch, Holomua Collaborative; Damien Kim, IBEW 1186; and Chris Benjamin, Climate Hawai‘i

Act 40, SLH 2024
(HB2685), introduced by Speaker Saiki, Representative Lowen, Representative
Nishimoto, Representative Poepoe and Representative Tam, establishes a Solar
Hui Investment program allowing multifamily property owners, including
condominium owners to co-invest in solar + storage systems installed on ALICE
rooftops to lower their energy burden, through an energy services agreement.

Act 41, SLH 2024
(JB2801), introduced by Speaker Saiki, elevates the commercial property
assessed financing program, also known as Commercial Property Assessed Clean
Energy and Resiliency (C-PACER) to a state-level program and makes condominium
associations also eligible for financing.

In addition to Governor
Green, Speaker Saiki and the Legislature, the Authority also extends a warm
mahalo to the diverse group of advocates supporting these bills, including
Condominium Associations, C-PACE Industry, solar industry, labor, insurance
industry, affordable housing developers, businesses, impact investors,
affordability and energy equity advocates, and climate advocates, along with
the City and County of Honolulu, County of Kauai and County of Hawaii.