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Frequently Asked Questions: (Contractor FAQ begins on page 6)
Energy improvement project forms:
In 2023, HGIA notified eligible contractors of the following: Effective October 1, 2023, HGIA extended the term of PV+Storage loans made to ALICE households from 20 years to 25 years, if the equipment installed has a minimum 25-year manufacturer’s production warranty. If you have not already done so, if you install solar PV systems with a minimum 25-year manufacturer’s production warranty, please submit documents confirming the manufacturer’s warranty at your earliest convenience. Please note, this change is only for residential installations using general funds. Small business and nonprofit installations are funded with GEMS funds with a maximum term of 20 years.
Why is HGIA Good for Solar Contractors?
The most successful solar contractors all have one major thing in common, they offer financing with every sale. Solar installations can be expensive and customers need financing solutions that can help make their projects more affordable. With that in mind, HGIA’s financing programs, including the Green Energy Money $aver On-Bill Financing Program, have you covered. Your residential and commercial non-profit customers can finance up to 100% of their solar installations with our financing programs. Enroll today to gain access to this powerful financing resource that can help increase your sales, gain access to new customers and differentiate your company from your competition.
While all of our listed contractors have been screened, the Hawaii Green Infrastructure Authority does not assume responsibility for the contractor’s workmanship, materials, or pricing.
Contractor Resources
Use guide: This calculator provides the additional kWh load for applicants planning to replace their gas combustion vehicle within the next 12 months. Enter the information below for an estimate of the additional EV load.
Use guide: This calculator provides an estimated Year 1 bill savings projection for residential ratepayers. Please complete the yellow cells below. Note that the green cells may take 1-2 minutes to load. If there is data in the cells, please reset the calculator by using the blue button. When you are finished using the calculator, please reset by using the blue button as well.
For NEM and NEM+ customers: This calculator does not support savings calculations for your interconnection agreement. Please contact HGIA for information on estimated savings.
Disclaimer: This calculator provides a rough estimate of projected savings. Actual underwriting will take into account other factors such as coincident load. Savings are not guaranteed due to factors outside of HGIA’s control including the weather, the cost of oil, and the amount of energy the ratepayer consumes after the system is installed.